
Showing posts from January, 2020

Introduction of thinking skills.

Thinking skills use different processes, this processes can be divided into deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning.  We will talk a little about the topics. Deductive reasoning. This is a basic valid reasoning. It is used to starts a statement or hypotesis and examines the conclusion. This is mostly used to test hypothesis and checking if the predictions are right or wrong. So in basic therms we go for the general to the specific. It ususally follows a series of steps, usually wir starts with a premise and finalize with an inference. An example can be syllogisms. "Every A is C" > "Every B is A" therefore "Every B is C". Inductive reasoning. Inductive is the opposite to deductive.  In inductive inference, we go from the specific to the general. We make many observations, discern a pattern, make a generalization, and infer an explanation or a theory. It has a part in scientific method and thinking, because with it we can form hypo...

Bloom's Taxonomy

In the biggining of our lives the development of basic thinking skills is a fundamental part of our growth, this give us the tools to start understanding our enviroment and marks the beggining of higher order thinking skills. Observing bloom's taxonomy we can see which skills are in a higher order, those develope after we have gained the basic thinking skills. Basic thinking skills This basic skills are requieres befor we develop critical thinking, usually this are gained during childhood and are more usefull in order to understan the things tthat happen around us, These are: Observation Comparison Contrasting Cause-Effect Classification Observation: We often think observation is only related to our vision but it actually involves all our senses, in reality, observation means to analize the little details that an object or an even can have. Comparison It means to identify the similarities and differences between objects or events. Contrasting To identify...

First Post

Good afternon everyone. This will be the first post relating the proyect which consists in the cleaning of the streets after rains. Merida is a very interesting place not only when we take into consideration the history and culture but also the weather, and one of the problems as a citizen deal is that everytime it rains downtons becames venice, the drainage system colapses and overflows with dirty water, many of this effects can be solved by the elimination of solid matter entering the drainage and obstructing the was wather enters the cavity.