Bloom's Taxonomy

In the biggining of our lives the development of basic thinking skills is a fundamental part of our growth, this give us the tools to start understanding our enviroment and marks the beggining of higher order thinking skills.
Observing bloom's taxonomy we can see which skills are in a higher order, those develope after we have gained the basic thinking skills.
Basic thinking skills
This basic skills are requieres befor we develop critical thinking, usually this are gained during childhood and are more usefull in order to understan the things tthat happen around us,
These are:

  • Observation
  • Comparison
  • Contrasting
  • Cause-Effect
  • Classification


We often think observation is only related to our vision but it actually involves all our senses, in reality, observation means to analize the little details that an object or an even can have.


It means to identify the similarities and differences between objects or events.


To identify the differences between objects, at first glance it may be confused with comparison skills but they are different just by that subtle disticntion


This help us understand the worls araound us, by conecting the dots on how things happen and what it cause it to happen in that way. 


It is easy, it means grouping items by a characteristic 


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