Introduction of thinking skills.

Thinking skills use different processes, this processes can be divided into deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning.  We will talk a little about the topics.

Deductive reasoning.

This is a basic valid reasoning. It is used to starts a statement or hypotesis and examines the conclusion. This is mostly used to test hypothesis and checking if the predictions are right or wrong.
So in basic therms we go for the general to the specific. It ususally follows a series of steps, usually wir starts with a premise and finalize with an inference. An example can be syllogisms.
"Every A is C" > "Every B is A" therefore "Every B is C".

Inductive reasoning.

Inductive is the opposite to deductive. In inductive inference, we go from the specific to the general. We make many observations, discern a pattern, make a generalization, and infer an explanation or a theory. It has a part in scientific method and thinking, because with it we can form hypotheses or theories while deductive can only be applied to specific cases.

Abductive Reasoning.

Here we start with observations and a final goal, but the how to part is what we have to find, It is based on making and testing hypotheses using the best information available. It often entails making an educated guess after observing a phenomenon for which there is no clear explanation. Is useful for forming hypotheses to be tested. Abductive reasoning is often used by doctors who make a diagnosis based on test results


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