
Showing posts from March, 2020

Business model [Canvas]

Canvas business model is a tool that can help to understand a business model in an easier way. It works by showings what the costumers insights, the value proposition, channels, differentiators, etc. The Business Model Canvas was created by Alexander Osterwalder, of Strategyzer in 2005. Example of a Model Canvas The divisions may change depending on the template you use, but in theory they are all the same. Some parts that are important to consider in the canvas are: Channels: This is how the costumer will contact the company. Key Processes: The actions to do in order to make the value proposition. Revenue streams: Where to get the money. Cost Structure: The cost of maintaining all the operations. Relationships: In this part it explains how the company will approach the costumer. With this we can organize the structure of a business, making everything more accessible and preventing large consequences. Ebinum, M. 7 July 2016 [online]

Empathy Map.

During the classes a new method to analyze our problem was presented to us, it was called empathy map. According to Sara Gibbons " An  empathy map  is a collaborative visualization used to articulate what we know about a particular type of user. It externalizes knowledge about users in order to 1) create a shared understanding of user needs, and 2) aid in decision making." The empathy map is used to represent what a person involved directly or indirectly on the problem selected experiences in their daily life. It makes us have another way of thinking the things we want to accomplish because at the end of the day we are trying to help people, and solve a problem they and us live. The construction of this map is simple, it requires to fill 6 areas that the person thinks and feels. Hear : What other people say about the problem. Think : What he/she thinks about the problem. Say & Do : What the person says, its opinion about the topic and what he doe...

Creativity and imagination

During the past few weeks we have been starting to get into new topics, or at least that seems, creativity and innovation are new topics discussed but they are always present in our lives. According to Forbes, innovation can be described different trough different points of view,  it can be described by words, feelings, descriptions or criteria already stablished. [1] But in my opinion, innovation can be defined as the act to create something that change the status quo of a certain product, service or way of thinking. There are countless of examples related to innovation. One of the biggest companies that is often called innovative is apple, with their product change generations, with the creation of the Macintosh, the iPod and more recently the iPhone. Most of this ideas came to the minds of great geniuses, most of them used their imagination to get out of the box. Imagination described by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is " To imagine  is to represent wi...