Analyzing the solutions of problems

Problems are around the world and everyday in our lives, it may not seem like it but they are, from not waking up early to go to your school or work al the way to solving world issues like hunger of climatic change.
People have always said "Modern problems requiere modern solutions" but this is not always true, for small problems we can take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Now, seeing everything, hw can we make solutions for our problems?.
There is not a guide that could solve all the problems around the world, if there existes it would not be any problem, but since we are in a real world there are, there are many of factors that may affect each problem and many outcomes so lets start form the beggining.

Identify the problem

Many times we have a situation but do not analyze what the source of that problem is, whithout this it is uber complicated to find the right solution, we have to observe why it is occuring, when and how.
We often forget that many problems have easy solutions but by making a problem appear more complicated that it is may cause problems, we have to make the problems clear and simple in order to understand it. On the other hand if our problem involves more than one persone we have to take into account what they feel or may think about the situation, each point of view can bring up more information to the table, that is why we have to understand eachother in order to manage everything.


This is an important step, why do you need the problem solved? you have to understand the motives on why you want to solve something, the best solution is the one that satisfies everyone's interests we have to take everything into account and contrasting our needs to the involved and we have to not attach into one need and one solution because it may be another with more importance.


There are many ways to get into a solution, it can be brainstorming, making bullet points of every problem and finding a solution, etc.
Here you have to evaluate wich is the correct and more efficiend, remembering that you can need more solutions in the runtime, and everything can be improved or diched in the future. If the solution did not work we have to compare what did not go the right way and restart the process all over again.


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